Tuesday, July 1, 2008

To Blog Or Not To Blog

To think that one must "blog" to be part of civilization. It's a travesty - unfair to say the least. In days of yore, elders were respected. They were thought to be wise. Now, elders are expected to jog along - did I say "jog" - that was a slip of the tongue. I should say race, pant, sweat, leap, run, anything, but not fall behind their children in this technological era. If we do, we are suspect of having dementia or WORSE.

Somehow I had gotten through college on a typewriter.

Then, I so nobley thought of grandeur and dove right in, acquiring an Apple computer and a cell phone. For the next three years, I learned how to use the computer like a typewriter and occasionally would turn on my cell phone. I was accomplished! What a momentarily heady feeling that was.

Then I started watching TV again. Unfortunately, between Joan Rivers on the red carpet commenting on all the beautiful people, TV ads with ever burgeoning numbers of advertisments describing various dysfunctions of the over 50s crowd, and my childrens' constant technological gadgetry updates, I experienced a swift gravitational pull back to reality which was punishing.

I ask you - How does one keep up with the latest 2009 computer, blackberry, palm pilot, ipod, iphone, wii, pinkberry (oh, yes, that's a yogurt), Razor, GPS system, outlook/outpost, microsoft 2007 (currently this week) AND not appear STUPID??

So back to the blog...I'm going to blog - a frontier I have yet to explore. Now why a blog - it's practically old fashion.

I have opened a youtube account but don't have a video camera except on my phone which I don't know for sure how to download on to the computer(I obviously just need a 7th grader sitting by me here and they could do it for me). I have opened a facebook account, but somehow it didn't work right and the "administrators" haven't gotten back to me yet.

So this is it - I'm no over 50 slug. I can hardly wait for the next advancement in technology. I'll be all over it!