Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Well its happened. We're all mad, and with good reason. Do I need to explain? Of course not. March Madness happens with regularity. There are these opposing teams - each sure of their supremacy, their total commitment to having the power, of being the winner. Households across the nation can be bitterly divided rooting for "their team". There's big money involved. Some bad language and name calling invarabliy occur. My blood pressure has been known to get elevated. But who am I to say who's the best team. What do I know about anything? I'm just some woman out here in the vast wastelands of America wondering about who's calling the shots, the time-outs, what's fair and what's illegal or out-of-bounds. My children all have opinions about the teams also. We can't discuss March madness together. It might get too heated. I mean, we're talking emotions here!! When a person is sure their team is the best, don't try and debate that one, even if you have statistics, scores, and history to backup your opinion. Remember, we're talking MADNESS here. MARCH MADNESS.